Thursday, May 29, 2014

random post#14

1. You know you did something wrong when the entire class stops to look at you.
2. Math teacher: "I have 5 bottles in one hand, and 6 in the other. How many bottles do I have total?" Me: "A drinking problem."
3. The ten lies they tell you in high school: 1. We are here to help you.2. You will use algebra after high school.3. Everyone here is like one big, happy family.4. Guidance councelors are always available to listen.5. You can be late and get away with it.6. Your locker combination is private.7. The principal is your friend.8. The food is better.9. The assembly's are fun.10. If you study you won't have a problem on the test.
4. That moment when you leave the theatre room and it's very bright outside.
5. Everyone said to follow my dreams, so I went back to bed.
6."Studying", notice how they put "dying" at the end of the word.
7. Some people need to realize that Facebook is a social networking site, not a diary.
8. I don't care how small that spider is. I want it dead.
9. Bad decisions make better life stories.
10. When I was younger, I couldn't wait to be a 13 year old. But this isn't the crap I signed up for!!!!

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