Saturday, September 7, 2013

random post#6

1.That scary moment when you are about to fall asleep and horror scenes start to flash through your head.
2.Saying"I'm almost there!"When you haven't even left the house.
3.That moment when you have a song stuck in your head during a test.
4.That epic moment when your parents are in a good mood, so they buy you what you want.
5.Laughing uncontrollably with friends over something stupid.
6.Do you ever just stare at attractive people and think"How?!"
7.That moment when you hear your name on a recording and think"Do I really sound like that?"
8.I spend my time imagining stuff that will(sadly)never happen.
9.No matter how old I am, when I see an open swing, I make a run to it.
10.Home is where I can look like a comfortable hobo.
11.That moment of fame when your name is in a math problem.
12."Be strong" I whispered to my wifi signal.
13.Running up the stairs really fast because you feel there is an evil presence behind you.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Anna's Diary entry#2

9/1/2013 8:30 AM
So far, middle school was fine.But I have to say, the first day was really hectic.I had to go to my locker a lot of times!My favorite class is art class.It's the only place in the school where I finally feel okay!And this weekend, I had a sleepover, wich was fun, but I got into a few disagreements with one of the girls.BIG disagreements!But I still had fun.We ate ice cream, made pizza, watched movies, and went to bed at, like, 1 in the morning.Then later that day, I went to my friend's party.It was My Little Pony themed, because everyone that went there LOVED LOVED LOVED My Little Pony(you should really watch My Little Pony)!We ate a cupcake-cake, and got to ride some really cute horses!It was so fun!